
Is WWIII this year’s October Surprise?

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Preface: I’ve been monitoring the Russia/Ukraine war very closely since the beginning and comparing the non-stop shamefully dishonest propaganda of the OBiden-controlled media with news from independent, mostly pro-Russian sources. What matters to me is true, and that is coming … Continue reading

What’s REALLY at stake in the midterm elections

Horrified by what has been called the Sovietization of the Biden administration – including the shocking criminalization of dissent and the weaponization of the FBI, whose agents daily arrest, intimidate and persecute the regime’s political opponents – tens of millions of Americans anxiously wonder whether November’s midterm elections will bring any positive change of direction for a once-great nation now careening toward total destruction.

Although many voices are weighing in on “what’s at stake” in the midterms, ironically no one has expressed it more clearly or forcefully than Joe Biden himself, in his astonishingly dark Sept. 1 “Soul of the Nation” speech, delivered while bathed in ominous red lights and flanked by Marine guards.

Of course, the key to de-coding Biden’s dire warnings about the “greatest threats to America” is to understand that he was engaging in a mirror-perfect case of political projection: Every single evil that Biden ascribed to “MAGA Republicans” – the Left’s new name for America’s vast center-right middle class, literally the nation’s backbone – is actually true of today’s Democratic Party and its unhinged supporters.

Consider just a few highlights from Biden’s Orwellian speech, in which he describes half of Republicans as “semi-fascists.” Upon reading each statement, it becomes crystal clear which camp Biden’s words truly describe – his own. Biden said:

• “MAGA Republicans represent an extremism that threatens the very foundations of our Republic.”

• “MAGA forces … promote authoritarian leaders, and they fan the flames of political violence that are a threat to our personal rights, to the pursuit of justice, to the rule of law, to the very soul of this country.”

• “MAGA Republicans do not respect the Constitution. They do not believe in the rule of law. They do not recognize the will of the people. They refuse to accept the results of a free election.”

• “MAGA Republicans … embrace anger. They thrive on chaos. They live, not in the light of truth but in the shadow of lies.”

• “MAGA Republicans look at America and see carnage and darkness and despair. They spread fear and lies. Lies told for profit and power.”

Again, by just substituting “Radical Democrats” for “MAGA Republicans,” one gains a vivid and stunningly accurate description of the ever-growing neo-communist threat to America.

A party ‘possessed’
But what is at the root of the Democrats’ maniacal daily exercises in projection? Or to expand the question exponentially: Why does evil always claim to be good and moral, or at least rational and logical, while claiming good is evil? (The biblical prophet Isaiah weighed in on this when he wrote, “Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!”)

What’s at work here is not just the common human pathology that psychologists call projection – i.e., attributing one’s own unacceptable qualities and actions to another person or group. It’s also a cynical, vicious, cold-blooded political tactic: Projection is extremely effective as a weapon of protracted political warfare. It is, in fact, the essence of virtually everything today’s Democratic Party leaders and their media apologists say from morning to night.

But delving deeper still, all of this is rooted in the fact that today’s Democratic Party is, in a very real sense, “possessed” – that is, it’s political and thought leaders have been completely taken over by the kind of dark psychological and spiritual forces that readily capture the minds of corrupted human beings who have turned their backs on God and His laws of life. These exact same forces have animated history’s most destructive, cult-like political movements, most obviously communism/Marxism/socialism, which has been metastasizing around the world for the past century – and now has its sights set on America.

Yet even such controversial ideological labels are, themselves, essentially lies intended to create a moral façade that either covers up or justifies deeply inhuman and criminal behavior. That is, the ideological labels are just an attempt to sell the notion that, whether or not one agrees with their ideology, “communists,” “socialists” and “Marxists” – and “Antifa” (short for “anti-fascist”), “Black Lives Matter” and today’s “Democratic Party” – still somehow have the interests of others at heart.

It’s a lie. We’re talking about sociopaths, people without a functioning conscience. Deeply corrupt people like Joe Biden, Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer, Adam Schiff, and their ilk do not possess the capacity to actually care about anyone else, any more than a drug addict has the capacity to unselfishly care about others. And these ruling elites are addicted to the most powerful and addictive drug of all: POWER.

Therefore, their daily attacks on law-abiding, Bible-believing, hardworking Americans as “violent extremists,” “racists,” “conspiracy theorists,” “domestic terrorists” and “insurrectionists” merely constitute a colorful sideshow meant to distract voters from discerning the real problem: Today’s leaders are consumed with perpetuating and increasing their own power, wealth, privilege, fame, supposed moral superiority, and revenge on their enemies.

In a word, they are hell-bent on being gods.

They have contempt for the “little people” they pretend to champion, those decent, long-suffering, and conscience-driven folks who work hard, marry, raise families, pay their taxes, defend their country with their lives, and willingly do their part to preserve and perpetuate the greatest nation in history, which they love: America.

What’s being described here is a deeply compromised and corrupt class of people, possessed and controlled by dark spiritual “powers and principalities” about which they know nothing, and care less. Whatever their professed religion, they are mockers of God, the same sort of people who self-righteously expanded communism over so much of the world and made the 20th century the bloodiest and deadliest in all of human history. Today, they’re laser-focused on the biggest prize of all: The United States of America.

That’s what’s at stake.

America’s saving grace
Fortunately, even though America is being likened increasingly to a third-world or communist dictatorship – not just because its current rulers crush and punish dissent, but because of their heedless monetary inflation, trashing of the nation’s Constitution, and continual threats to destroy and corrupt key American institutions from the Supreme Court to the electoral college – there is still one thing America retains, one saving grace, one sacred institution that one-party dictatorships from Zimbabwe to communist China do not have.

America still has real elections. And in truth, there is no reason the tens of millions of decent, right-thinking American voters cannot slow down, if not entirely halt, the Biden administration’s nonstop madness in November’s midterm elections just a few weeks from now.

I know what you’re thinking: Of course, the Democratic Party will try to steal the election – that’s what they do – through every manner of election fraud, abuse, and corruption for which their party is famous, not to mention Biden’s mysterious executive order mandating every department of the federal government to essentially serve as a Democrat get-out-the-vote machine.

But good Americans, as former Trump adviser Steve Bannon passionately argues, simply must outvote whatever fraud occurs.

Therefore, one final word to Christians, who still constitute the vast majority of Americans and potential voters:

Every election cycle, tens of millions of American Christians do not vote!

How is that even possible, one wonders, considering that so much of what Democrats are pushing right now – from congressionally “codifying Roe” so that throughout America abortion will again be legal up to the moment of birth – i.e., straight-up infanticide – to expanding the satanic craze of amputating body parts of multitudes of children tricked into believing they’re “transgender” – amounts to a grotesque frontal attack on everything Christians, indeed all decent people, consider sacred?

Here are the most common rationales cited by non-voting Christians: 1) Their particular church denomination tells them they are “citizens of heaven” or “not part of this world” and therefore don’t need to vote; 2) they’re so upset by government corruption they feel contaminated just reading and hearing about it; 3) they believe God will determine who leads America without their help; 4) they believe church and state should be “separate”; 5) they believe their focus should be the gospel, not politics; and finally, perhaps underlying all these reasons, 6) they’ve given up hope of any good ever coming out of Washington, regardless of who is elected. Indeed, many non-voters are so disillusioned by the lies and hypocrisy dominating politics that they have given up hope and walked away.

The Christian Broadcast Network, CBN, has reported that 15 million American Christians are not even registered to vote.

So listen up, Christian brothers and sisters: The history of Christianity is full of martyrs, believers who were burned alive, sawn in half, or crucified to defend their faith, which they endured willingly, even gladly. Today, you are not being asked to endure torture and death, but rather, just to get in your car and drive to your polling place on Election Day and cast your ballot affirming good, and not the most abominable evils imaginable so that your own children and grandchildren might inherit a safe and decent country in which to grow up, just as you did.

‘Biden bucks’: The horrors of digital currency

Of the many horrors introduced by the Biden administration – open borders inviting millions of unvetted illegal immigrants, including human traffickers, criminals, and terrorists; untold quantities of fentanyl and other dangerous drugs flooding the nation; shutting down pipelines and otherwise making our nation energy-vulnerable; inflation due to rampant money printing – one of the most horrifying is coming down the pipeline. I refer to digital currency.

In Biden’s vision, the digital currency will “advance democracies to lift people up, not to hold them down.” Naturally, digital currency is being offered as a “solution” to problems we never realized we had. It’s touted as far more efficient, easy, environmentally beneficial, and even more sanitary than paper currency. With digital currency, gone are the troublesome days when cash must be printed or minted. Now the government can flood the system with untold trillions of digital dollars at the push of a button. Now that’s efficiency!

But despite whatever pretty words they use, there is no question digital currency is a horror show waiting to happen.

There are many risks. Digital currency would be vulnerable to hacking, technological glitches, and power outages. Any hiccup in the system would mean your funds are not available “at this time.” When regional disasters happen (such as Hurricane Ian) with widespread power outages, no one in the affected areas would be able to exchange currency, adding additional distress on top of existing misery.

When a traditional currency is phased out, everyone will suffer. You can no longer tip your hairdresser or drop a few bucks into a homeless person’s cup. You can no longer sell unneeded items at a yard sale or send your grandkid a $10 bill in a birthday card.

Bitcoin expert Anthony Pompliano calls digital currency “one of the greatest violations of human rights in history.” He writes, “Once a central bank digital currency is in the hands of a population, the central bank has solidified complete control. They will no longer have to go to the court system or invoke emergency powers to tell you who you can transact with. This can all be implemented through remote, digital technologies. 

These central bankers will be able to see what is in your bank account, who you transact with, what you purchase, and anything else they are curious about in your financial life. That full transparency with the state removes all elements of privacy, while also giving the institutions the ability to censor any and all transactions, regardless of whether they have a legitimate reason or not.”

No wonder the current administration is slavering to introduce the so-called “Biden Bucks.”

Increased government control over the monetary system goes hand-in-glove with the social score concept famously wielded by the Chinese Community Party and rapidly being adopted in other nations, including America. Anything and everything that requires an exchange of currency can be monitored, and transactions can be denied for such things as firearms, meat, or other (currently) legal but politically incorrect purchases. Already the World Economic Forum is launching a coalition to reward people with “carbon credits” for using fewer resources. Digital currency makes this all possible.

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The fact is, digital currency is being introduced for one reason, and one reason only: so it can be weaponized against political enemies. And as Biden himself has made abundantly clear in the last few weeks, his political enemies include anyone and everyone who doesn’t wholeheartedly support his growing reign of terror.

Digital currency will allow the government to seize assets at will. Forget those middle-of-the-night FBI raids; just click a button, and the victim has nothing. The mere threat of this possibility will be enough to bring all but the most die-hard rebels into line with the régime.

Catherine Austin Fitts, former assistant secretary of the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, said in a recent interview: “If you can move every human into a digital concentration camp, empty their bank account any time you want, and tell them what they can and cannot spend money on, you’ve got complete control.”

If you think the term “digital concentration camp” sounds extreme and over-the-top, think again. If the government decides to punish you, you’re toast. You can’t pay your power bill, so your electricity is shut off. You can’t pay your water bill, so your water is shut off. You can’t buy gas, so you can’t drive. You can’t pay your rent or mortgage, so you’re evicted. You can’t pay your property taxes, so your (paid-for) home is seized. You can’t buy food. Forget medical care; that’s out of the question.

This cascading series of events can happen literally at the push of a button. You won’t be jailed, but you won’t have to be. Your life will become a living hell.

“When Biden Bucks are rolled out, many experts – myself included – believe they will begin an era of total government control and surveillance,” says former CIA official Jim Rickards. “This is not hyperbole. This would dramatically expand the power and influence of the federal government … essentially acting as a new type of ‘spyware.’ With Biden Bucks, the government will be able to force you to comply with its agenda. Because if you don’t, they could turn off your money. This won’t be like freezing a bank account, it will be so much easier.”

You might claim this is a mere conspiracy theory, but imagine this: Had digital currency been around two years ago, would it have been tied to mandatory COVID vaccines? Short answer: Yes. No vaccine, no access to your money. Easy peasy lemon squeezy.

The launch of this horror story occurred in March with the signing of Executive Order 14067, which laughably claims (among much else), “Any future dollar payment system should be designed in a way that is consistent with United States priorities.” Oh please. Digital currency is the antithesis of American priorities and certainly goes against everything in our founding documents.

The creepy thing about digital currency is there is no evading it. It would permeate literally every aspect of every person’s life, no matter how off-grid or remote they may be. Some say a barter society will spring up – and indeed, I expect that to happen almost instantly – but you can’t barter for car insurance or property taxes or other government requirements.

A digital currency would, in effect, be the end of America. When this occurs, be sure to thank the people for whom the “Biden buck stops here.”

This story was originally published by the WND News Center – reposted with permission.

What’s Wrong With MLM?

The Pain Points of MLM

What’s Wrong With MLM?

Let’s face it, we’ve all heard the nay-sayers and their skepticism of Network Marketing, or MLM.  The myriads of misconceptions and outright untruths boggle the mind.  Pyramid scam, Ponzi scheme, rip-off, we’ve heard them all.  But, the hard truth of the matter is, there are a lot of negatives to overcome in MLM.  I’ll try to be kind in listing them because there are likely many of us who still use some of these tactics to try to pique the interest of a prospect.  Hopefully, we are all being honest with our prospects about everything.  But, sadly is not the norm in this industry.  

The following is a list of things that I have either personally experienced or have heard about from close friends and other associates in the MLM industry.  While not an exhaustive list, these problems are precisely why many honest and hard-working people are met with such resistance when someone discovers you’re trying to interest them in a great new business opportunity.  Let’s try to be honest.  These tactics need to stop if we’re going to grow as an industry.  And, there are many people trying to make this industry worthy of respect and honor as a legitimate business distribution method.  If I start to name the names of the greats in the industry, this article would be far too long.  But the notables are (in no particular order):  Fraser Brookes, Eric Worre, Ray Higdon, Todd Falcone, Richard Bliss Brooke, Jim Rohne, Dale Calvert, and Tom “Big Al” Schreiter.  I know  I have missed many on this list, and there are many more of us who have been on the front lines sharing our opportunities and our amazing products with the world.  I commend you all, truly.  We are a breed of people who care deeply about people and in trying to make an honest living helping others achieve The American Dream too.  Though this list is not long, it could be much longer if I had the time and space to devote to this subject.  I think the points will be sufficient enough to make us all think.  Because it is up to us to try to not do the things listed below.  I would welcome any others that I may have missed if you are inclined to comment below.  

Reasons Why MLM Has Received a Bad Reputation With Many People

  1.   Prospects are not told the truth about the company, the products, or the opportunity
  2.   The expectations are elevated by new recruits due to unrealistic income projections
  3.   New associates are not trained by experienced marketers
  4.   Most MLMers do not know how to develop rapport with a potential new customer/associate
  5.   Most uplines do not take the time to actually help new distributors develop the skills they need to succeed.
  6.   Most companies do not provide enough tools to help every person in the organization
  7.   Many uplines will push invitees too hard to try to “make the sale” without knowing them 
  8.   Many new recruits will become overwhelmed by the number of things they do not know
  9.   Most new recruits do not know precisely what to do and how to do it
  10.   Most companies do not have an adequate sales funnel or system for their sales force
  11.   Most companies do not have any automated follow-up system in place for their reps
  12.   Many companies have little to no curated content to share on social media
  13.   Some unethical people will do anything to get a customer or distributor, including poaching their own downlines friends on their social media accounts
  14.   There’s very little training on marketing and too much emphasis on sales (yes, there’s a difference)
  15.   The comp plan is impossible to understand for most people
  16.   Most people do not earn money in the business, and those that do, do not earn enough quickly enough to retain them in the business on a sustained basis
  17.    Customers are not incentivized to provide referrals by the company.

I could go on, but I think you can understand why a lot of potentially great customers and associates would be turned-off by MLM.  Companies that can solve some of these pain points (or all of them) will be doing very well in the future.  Automated email drip campaigns for prospects, a decent CRM for every representative, and a high-converting landing page with a lead magnet would all be wonderful things for most people in the industry.  There are many companies who are working hard to provide resources for their sales force.  Sadly there aren’t many.  There are many new opportunities for great companies to provide a way for everyone to be on a level playing field when it comes to support for their biggest assets, namely you.

I am hopeful that the MLM industry will be showing leadership when it comes to providing the tools needed for success in any MLM business. It will be incredibly important in the future.  Upline support needs to be there to offer guidance, encouragement, and training where the corporate office drops the ball.  I am also hopeful that the kinds of opportunities will be many in the near and distant future.  I believe that many people who have become displaced or discouraged by the ongoing rules for compliance in the workplace will seek opportunities elsewhere, where they can call all the shots by being their own boss.  It will be up to all of us to be there for them with a smile and a pat on the back as they take those baby steps in owning their own business for the first time.  

Although MLM is legal, it is unethical: You make a profit from the sales of agents in your downline who are risking a financial loss.


Multi-level marketing (MLM) is a form of direct selling in which independent agents “build and manage their own sales force by recruiting and training other independent agents.” Also known as Network Marketing, “commission is earned on the agent’s own sales revenue” and “the sales revenue of the sales force recruited by the agent and his or her recruits called downline.” MLM is like owning a retail business and being entitled to a percentage of the sales of someone else’s a retail business. Although MLM is legal, it is unethical: You earn commissions from the sales of agents in your downline who are risking a financial loss.

Any business venture requires taking a financial risk. If a person starts their own business, they invest their own money and/or borrow money from the bank. The bank may require the owner’s home (or other assets) as collateral if the business goes bankrupt. When you start your own business, you risk losing your savings and wealth. Even in a company with limited liability, the shareholders can lose their initial investment if the company goes bust. If the shareholders receive dividends, they do so by risking a financial loss.

With MLM, you take a financial risk: You buy a sample product so that you can promote it and sell it. You also pay membership fees, training fees, travel costs, and other expenses. However, no one in MLM becomes successful by selling products to customers for their personal consumption. As Robert L. Fitzpatrick points out, “The business is primarily a scheme to continuously enroll distributors and little product is ever retailed to consumers who are not also enrolled as distributors.” To achieve financial success in MLM, you must sign up as many distributors as possible. The individuals you sign up with will purchase the product for their own consumption, try to sell it to other people, and sign up distributors who will do the same. With MLM, you make money not only from the people you signed up, with but also from the people they signed up with, and you make that money without risking a financial loss.

Consequently, MLM is not a legitimate business—it is a money-making scheme. Independent agents make money from other people’s financial investments and labor. In a normal business enterprise, the owner has a legal and moral right to the profits. The workers are paid for their labor, and the owner makes a profit by risking a financial loss. (The workers may not be paid fairly, but apart from the risk of not getting paid, they don’t risk any of their savings.) In a normal business, if you want a share of the profits, you have to take a financial risk.

The moral and ethical problem with MLM is you get a share of the profits without taking any additional financial risk. The independent agents in your downline take the financial risk for their own inventory. They also do the work of promoting and selling the product, while people above them receive a commission on their sales. This makes MLM a form of legalized theft. To receive a royalty on a product that you invented is fair and just. To receive a commission on a product that someone else bought and sold (for no other reason than signing them up as a distributor) is morally and ethically wrong.

New Era Of Industrial Sabotage Coming? Mysterious ‘Explosions’ Damage Pipelines

Something extraordinary just happened.  On Monday, large underwater “explosions” were detected in the precise areas of the sea where the Nord Stream pipeline system is now leaking.  In fact, the explosions were so large that they actually registered on the Richter scale.  If someone wanted to purposely damage the Nord Stream 1 and Nord Stream 2 pipelines, very large explosions would be needed because those pipelines are incredibly thick.  So it appears that this was a deliberate act of sabotage, and that is what many European officials are now alleging.  But if that is the case, who was behind it?

At this point, we just don’t know.

But there are certain facts that we do have.  The following are 14 things we know about the “mysterious explosions” that severely damaged the Nord Stream 1 and Nord Stream 2 pipelines…

#1 We are being told that the sections where the pipelines were damaged are “70-90 meters below sea level”.  So someone would need to go down pretty deep to get to them.

#2 It is extremely unlikely that these pipelines could have been ruptured by accident because they are extremely thick

The steel pipe itself has a wall of 4.1 cm (1.6 inches) and is coated with steel-reinforced concrete up to 11cm thick. Each section of the pipe weighs 11 tonnes, which goes to 24-25 tonnes after the concrete is applied.

#3 It is being reported that explosions “were heard” in the areas where gas is now leaking out of the pipelines…

Explosions were heard near the Nord Stream 1 and 2 pipes where gas is now leaking into the Baltic from three holes, scientists have confirmed, while chronic safety concerns have led to a five-mile exclusion zone being imposed around the affected area.

#4 The Swedish National Seismic Network detected one explosion that registered 1.9 on the Richter scale and another one that registered 2.3 on the Richter scale

Two powerful underwater explosions were detected on Monday in the same area of sea as the Nord Stream gas leaks, according to the Swedish National Seismic Network.

The monitoring network said the first explosion occurred on Monday at 2:03 a.m. Swedish time with a magnitude of 1.9 on the Richter scale, followed by a second at 7:04 p.m. on the same day with a magnitude of 2.3.

#5 The largest leak is reportedly “spreading bubbles a good kilometer (3,280ft) in diameter”

It comes after shocking footage released earlier today by the Danish military from a flyover of the affected region showed huge swathes of the sea near the Danish island of Bornholm churning as the gas bubbled to the surface.

A military statement claimed that the largest leak ‘is spreading bubbles a good kilometre (3,280ft) in diameter. The smallest is creating a circle about 200 metres (656 feet) in diameter’, while the head of Denmark’s Energy Agency said it could take up to a week for gas to stop draining into the sea.

#6 German officials are claiming that this was a deliberate act of sabotage…

Germany is reportedly far less hesitant, however, with officials believing sabotage is virtually the only plausible cause for the leaks.

“We can’t imagine a scenario that isn’t a targeted attack. Everything speaks against a coincidence,” a government official reportedly told German newspaper Der Tagesspiegel.

#7 Interestingly, this incident took place just one day after thousands of German protesters took to the streets and demanded the opening of the Nord Stream 2 pipeline…

Thousands of protesters took to the streets in the northeastern German seaside town of Lubmin on Sunday, urging officials to put into service the halted Nord Stream 2 pipeline project that was designed to transport fuel from Russia to Germany.

Germany had stalled the launch of the ambitious energy project for months before putting it on the back burner in the wake of Russia’s military operation in Ukraine, which is now in its eighth month.

#8 The prime minister of Denmark also believes that this was a deliberate act of sabotage…

Danish Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen has said her government believes the leaks were caused by ‘deliberate actions’, adding that the gas supply pipeline will be out of action for around a week.

She said this evening: ‘It is now the clear assessment by authorities that these are deliberate actions. It was not an accident. There is no information yet to indicate who may be behind this action.’

#9 The Ukrainians are blaming the Russians for the explosions…

It comes after Kyiv’s presidential advisor Mikhaylo Podolyak said on Twitter: ‘The large-scale gas leak is nothing more than a terrorist attack planned by Russia and an act of aggression towards the EU.’

Podolyak accused Russia of seeking to ‘destabilise the economic situation in Europe and cause pre-winter panic’.

#10 It is being reported that the CIA recently warned Germany about a potential attack on the pipelines…

German magazine Spiegel said the US Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) recently warned Berlin about the increasing signs of a possible planned attack on the Nord Stream pipeline system.

Spiegel reported, citing unnamed sources, that the CIA tipped off Berlin in the summer about possible attacks on NS1 and NS2.

#11 A Polish member of the European Parliament seems absolutely convinced that the United States was behind the attack…

former Polish Defense Minister, Radek Sikorski, has attributed to the United States the sabotage of two pipelines, Nord Stream 1 and 2, which carry natural gas from Russia to Germany. “Thank you, USA,” Sikorski wrote on Twitter. Sikorski was Minister of National Defense from 2005 – 2007 and served as Deputy Minister of National Defense and Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs, previously. He is currently an elected member of the European parliament.

Nord Stream 1 and 2 lie on the bed of the Baltic Sea. Nord Stream 2 was finished last year but Germany never opened it because Russia invaded Ukraine on February 24.

#12 Joe Biden threatened to “end” the Nord Stream 2 pipeline if Russia invaded Ukraine: “If Russia invades…then there will be no longer a Nord Stream 2. We will bring an end to it.”

#13 Victoria Nuland has also previously threatened the Nord Stream 2 pipeline: “If Russia invades Ukraine, one way or another, Nord Stream 2 will not move forward.”

#14 Meanwhile, European officials just gathered for a ceremony “to mark the opening of the new Baltic Pipe”…

Leaders from Poland, Norway and Denmark have attended a ceremony to mark the opening of the new Baltic Pipe, a key stage in the drive to wean Poland and Europe off Russian gas.

The pipeline will transport natural gas from the Norwegian shelf via Denmark and through the Baltic Sea to Poland. It is the centrepiece of a Polish strategy to diversify away from Russia that began years before Moscow’s February invasion of Ukraine triggered a global energy crisis.

The flows from Norway along with supplies via liquefied gas terminals are central to Poland’s plan. The country was cut off from Russian gas supplies in April, allegedly for refusing to pay in roubles.

So what does all of this mean?

I don’t know.

But this certainly is not going to be good for the rapidly growing energy crisis in Europe.

It is going to be a bitterly cold winter all over the continent, and there will be a lot of anger.

As I keep warning, the comfortable lifestyles that we are all currently enjoying will soon be rudely interrupted.

Everything is changing, and a lot of pain is on the horizon.

So I would encourage you to monitor global events very, very closely in the months ahead because they are going to have very serious implications for every man, woman, and child on the entire planet.

Poking God In The Eye – New Push To Divide Israel And Create Palestinian State

Could we actually see a Palestinian state be established within the next year or two?  Just this week, there have been some new developments that have been absolutely stunning.  For the first time in ages, both the president of the United States and the prime minister of Israel are openly calling for the creation of a Palestinian state.  But just a couple of years ago, it seemed like such a move was extremely unlikely.  Donald Trump was in the White House and Benjamin Netanyahu was the prime minister of Israel, and it was clear that a Palestinian state would not happen as long as either one of them was in power.  Now they are both gone, and everything has changed.

This is extremely alarming because the creation of a Palestinian state is something that I have been warning about for years.

When it actually happens, it will have enormous implications for the entire globe.

During a major speech to the United Nations on Wednesday, Joe Biden told the world that the Palestinians are “entitled” to their own state…

President Joe Biden told the United Nations on Wednesday the Palestinians are “entitled” to their own state, a day after the U.S. State Department announced $64 million in aid to the U.N. agency for so-called Palestinian refugees.

“We will continue to advocate for a lasting, negotiated peace between the Jewish and democratic state of Israel and the Palestinian people,” Biden said during his address at the U.N. General Assembly.

“The United States is committed to Israel’s security – full stop. And a negotiated two state solution remains our best way to ensure Israel’s security and prosperity for the future and give the Palestinians the state to which they are entitled,” he said.

Of course this isn’t the first time that Biden has said something like this.

Back in July, he made similar comments during a visit to the West Bank

President Joe Biden reaffirmed his support for a two-state solution for Israelis and Palestinians during a visit to the West Bank on Friday where he sat down with Palestinian leaders frustrated over lingering Trump-era policies.

“The Palestinian people, as well as Israeli people, deserve a state of their own that is independent, sovereign, viable and contiguous,” he told reporters following a meeting with Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas. “Two states for two people, both of whom have deep and ancient roots in this land, living side by side in peace and security, both states fully respecting the equal rights of the other citizens.”

The Biden administration is 100 percent committed to the creation of a Palestinian state, and that has been exceedingly clear for a long time.

But up until just recently, Israel did not have a prime minister that was on board with such a move.

Unfortunately, Yair Lapid is in charge now, and on Thursday he also called for the creation of a Palestinian state in front of the UN General Assembly

The future Palestinian state that will exist next to Israel must be peaceful and not terror-based, Prime Minister Yair Lapid told the UN General Assembly on Thursday afternoon, just before returning to Israel.

If that condition is met, then the best path forward is “an agreement with the Palestinians based on two states for two peoples,” Lapid said.

This “is the right thing for Israel’s security, for Israel’s economy and for the future of our children.”


We always suspected that this is how Lapid felt, and now he is being very open about it.

During his speech, Lapid actually claimed that “a large majority” of the Israeli population agrees with him

“Despite all the obstacles, still today a large majority of Israelis support the vision of this two-state solution. I am one of them,” he said.

“Put down your weapons and prove that Hamas and Islamic Jihad is not going to take over the Palestinian state you want to create… and there will be peace,” Lapid said.

Could that be true?

I haven’t seen any public opinion polls on the matter lately.

But if most Israelis do want a Palestinian state at this point, that is a very troubling sign.

It has always been assumed that a Palestinian state would be the product of long negotiations between the Israelis and the Palestinians, but now it is being suggested that Israel could ultimately decide to make a move unilaterally.

In other words, one day Israel could just declare that the Palestinians now have a state in areas under their control.

According to the Jerusalem Post, a source inside the Israeli government is saying that “we will act on our own” if they feel that is the best option…

“If it is necessary,” and “this is agreed upon with the Americans, we will act on our own,” the source said. “We do not have to update anyone, and we do not need to ask permission from anyone.”


Thankfully, I don’t think that Lapid’s government will do anything major before the upcoming election in Israel.

And it has become clear that this election will essentially be a referendum on a Palestinian state.

If Yair Lapid wins the election, things could start to move very rapidly.

Let us hope that does not happen because as I detailed in Lost Prophecies, the consequences of establishing a Palestinian state would be cataclysmic.

We must not be involved in dividing the land of Israel, but that is precisely what the Biden administration intends to do.

Biden and his minions are just going to keep pushing this issue, and if Lapid is able to win the election they will be absolutely thrilled.

The election is scheduled for November 1st, and so it is just over a month away.

It literally could be an election that changes the course of history, and so let us hope that Lapid does not win.

Originally published at End Of The American Dream – reposted with permission.

Economic collapse is happening in Germany. Will the U.S. be next?

Things are starting to get really crazy in Germany.  The Germans are dealing with the worst inflation crisis that they have seen since the days of the Weimar Republic, and meanwhile, economic activity is starting to shut down all over the nation.  Of course, other European countries are facing similar problems, but Germany was supposed to be the financial rock that the rest of Europe could always depend upon.  

Unfortunately, the decision by the Russians to cut off the flow of gas through the Nord Stream 1 pipeline is hitting Germany extremely hard.  If we could just get both sides to agree to end the war in Ukraine, that would greatly help matters, but that simply isn’t going to happen.  In fact, it appears that Vladimir Putin has decided to greatly escalate matters, and the western powers will inevitably greatly escalate matters in response.  

What this means is that the economic turmoil that we are witnessing in Europe isn’t going anywhere any time soon.

This week, we got some inflation numbers out of Germany that is so high that it is difficult to believe that they are actually real…

German producer prices rose in August at the fastest rate since records began in 1949, data released by the Federal Statistical Office showed today, pointing to a further increase in consumer prices.

Producer prices of industrial products rose by 45.8 percent compared to the same month last year. Compared to July 2022, prices rose 7.9 percent.

Soaring energy prices on the back of Russia’s war against Ukraine remain the main driver behind rising prices.

If we continue to see monthly increases of around 8 percent, next year at this time we could be talking about a yearly jump of close to 100 percent.


How bad do things have to get before we actually start using the term “hyperinflation”?

Energy prices are the biggest reason why inflation has gotten completely out of control, and the German government has been forced to nationalize a huge natural gas company in order to keep it from going under…

The German government is closing in on an agreement to nationalize gas giant Uniper SE, as Berlin moves to stave off a collapse of the country’s energy sector.

A provisional agreement between the government, Uniper, and its main shareholder, Finland’s Fortum Oyj, has been reached, according to people familiar with the situation. While contracts haven’t been signed, Berlin is aiming for an announcement later this week.

According to the CEO of Uniper, the company has been losing about 100 million euros a day during this crisis.

Needless to say, the German government could not save everyone, so many firms won’t survive this crisis.

For example, a manufacturer that has been making toilet paper for Germans for nearly 100 years is now headed into insolvency…

Hakle has been a German household name since 1928, but the Duesseldorf-based toilet paper manufacturer said all it took was this summer’s gas price shock to drive it into insolvency.

Sadly, this is just the beginning.

According to the German central bank, the nation is moving into a “broad-based and prolonged decline in economic output”…

“Economic activity may pull back somewhat this quarter and shrink markedly in the autumn and winter months,” the central bank said, adding that it didn’t forecast this adverse scenario in a June report.

Bundesbank continued: “There are mounting signs of a recession in the German economy in the sense of a clear, broad-based and prolonged decline in economic output.” It said a contraction is expected in the third quarter with deeper declines in economic activity in the fourth.

“High inflation and uncertainty with regard to energy supply and its costs affect not only the gas and electricity-intensive industry and its export business and investments, but also private consumption and the service providers dependent on it,” the central bank said.

You can refer to such a scenario as a “recession” or a “depression” if it makes you feel better.

I call it an economic collapse.

The U.S. economy will soon be experiencing immense turmoil as well.

According to billionaire Barry Sternlicht, the Fed’s exceedingly foolish policies are pushing us toward a “serious recession”…

In an interview with CNBC’s “Squawk Box” on Thursday, Barry Sternlicht, the chairman and CEO of Starwood Capital, said he believes Americans are facing a major recession if the Federal Reserve proceeds with several more rate hikes as a means of curbing inflation, which is reportedly the central bank’s plan.

“The economy is braking hard,” Sternlicht told the financial news outlet, according to the Daily Caller. “If the Fed keeps this up, they are going to have a serious recession and people will lose their jobs.”

He is right on target, but instead of saying “people will lose their jobs” he should have noted that lots of people are already being laid off.  This is something that I have been documenting on my website for quite some time, and this week we learned that Gap has decided to lay off hundreds of corporate workers…

Gap Inc. is cutting about 500 corporate jobs as the clothing retailer struggles with declining sales.

The job cuts, which include open positions, will be primarily at Gap’s offices in San Francisco, New York, and Asia and hit various departments, a representative for the retailer confirmed Tuesday. The moves were first reported by The Wall Street Journal.


In this environment, very few workers are truly safe.

At this point, even the entertainment industry is letting lots of people go…

The struggling TV and film industry continues to run face first into bad news. This week it was reported that Warner Bros. Discovery was firing 100 TV ad salespeople at the same time that Paramount has considered ending offering Showtime as a standalone service, Bloomberg reported.

Netflix followed suit with their own layoffs, the report says. The company has reportedly let go of hundreds of employees and abandoned some of its office space. At the same time, the firm’s stock price has collapsed and fallen more than 60% from its all-time highs.

Back in 2008 and 2009, millions of Americans lost their jobs.

Will we see something similar in the months ahead?

And just like during “the Great Recession”, the housing market is really starting to slow down.  In fact, we just learned that homebuilder confidence has now fallen for nine months in a row…

The confidence of builders of single-family houses fell again in September, the ninth month in a row of declines, “as the combination of elevated interest rates, persistent building material supply chain disruptions, and high home prices continue to take a toll on affordability,” the NAHB report said.

With today’s index value of 46, the NAHB/Wells Fargo Housing Market Index is now below where it had been in May 2006, on the way down into the Housing Bust.

This time around, it won’t just be a few areas of the planet that suffer.

At this moment we are literally witnessing economic implosions all over the planet, and the stage is being set for an immensely painful 2023.

The one thing that could really turn things around would be peace.

Unfortunately, global leaders on both sides seem absolutely determined to drag us into the type of cataclysmic global conflict that I have been warning about for years.

So there isn’t going to be peace, and that means that things are going to get really bad in 2023 and beyond.

But I also believe that you were put at this specific moment in history for a reason.

It is when times are the darkest that the greatest good can be done, and that is something that we will all need to remember during the very dark times in front of us.

Originally published at The Economic Collapse Blog – reposted with permission.

Russian State TV Tells Viewers That Nuclear War Is Likely – ‘Everyone dies’

(OPINION) Russian state media are saying nuclear war appears to be “a given” and “everyone will be destroyed” if the West “pushes us into a corner”. One propagandist even suggested Western countries are the nuclear aggressors when in reality it has only been Vladimir Putin ramping up nuclear rhetoric since the onset of the Ukraine war.

Another warned that “taboos” associated with nuclear attacks “could be lifted in certain circumstances” by Russia. The exchanges among commentators on Russian state TV were captured and translated by Julia Davis, a Russian media analyst.

Davis said there is currently “palpable frustration in the Russian media that many in the West misunderstood what Putin said⁠ – he was threatening the West, not Ukraine, with nuclear strikes. And so, droves of propagandists have been sent out to tell the West: push us into a corner and everybody dies.”

She was referring to Putin’s address to the nation on Wednesday, in which he pledged to use “all means” at his disposal to protect Russia’s territory. This comes amid its ailing and so-called “special military operation” in Ukraine, which has gone catastrophically wrong for Putin this month.

In comments translated by Davis, one commentator, Igor Korotchenko, said in front of a big screen backdrop of missile launches: “The West has to understand: if certain weapons exist, taboos and limitations on using them could be lifted in certain circumstances.”

In an impassioned broadside against the West, another propagandist, Olga Skabeeva, suggested Russia is the victim of Western aggression: “We will not allow the destruction of our country. If you’re trying to destroy us, you will be destroyed along with us. “What should we do to avoid nuclear war, or is it already a given? It certainly seems that way. If they don’t stop it will become a reality.”

Skabeeva, who said earlier this week Moscow should have bombed the UK during the Queen’s state funeral, added: “Push us into a corner, everyone will be destroyed. Is that what they’re trying to achieve? “Putin said it so succinctly, so clearly. We aren’t threatening war… we don’t want a nuclear winter or nuclear war. But if you declare that we will be destroyed, we will have to destroy you.” (Yahoo)

$2.5 million for You – I don’t think so!

$2.5 million for You – I don’t think so!

So there I sat a few minutes ago, peacefully relaxing on a makeshift reclining chair and listening to a mellow music with an earphone on my phone, when I heard my phone “alarm notifucations.” A text message came in.
Look what I found! A mysterious woman had just donated $2.5 million to me.

All I had to do was send a message to an equally mysterious email address.


That is a classic way of inviting some kind of spammy virus into my phone, tablet, computer – into my system and potentially sharing the infection with every one of my contacts. And eventually the spam virus will get all details including all your credit card and bank account. No, no, no, no! That is something Rex does NOT want to do.


Immediately after grabbing the screenshot of that text message to share with you all, I deleted that message from my phone. Hopefully, if any of the rest of you get a similar text message on your phone, you’ll delete it right away, too. Don’t click on the highlighted email address, don’t reply to the mysterious sender, just delete the message right away.
Always be cautious about this spammy emails, you won’t know the big damage it would cost you in the future.

To your Success and Abundance,

Arch. Resty Rejano Rosales

Posted from WordPress for Android

Back then the year that was, the year of 2000. The Internet was still evolving. Facebook was almost non-existent and YouTube was never heard of.

I started digging online for ways to make some extra money on the side, to hopefully quit my (then) full-time job. But then what happen was, I am caught on the cross fire, I am trying to look for extra income but, I got retrenched due to economic turmoil that affects the company I worked with. So I end up with no income and looking for a job almost everyday for more than few months. Then I stumbled upon this thing called your own business, networking or MLM, multi-level marketing. And since I don’t have a job, I tried just to have something to do and not stay at home. And with hardwork and perseverance after more than 16 months, I got my first Big Income. But I become so complacent and let  my downlines work for their own, It never cross my mind that I need to be with my team for trainings and other team building activities. With that andother factors, I again felll out and back to zero.

Before that reversed back to December 1998, I officially registered my own business in construction, design and build. At that point, my business was able to supplement my income. It was a proud moment I will never forget. I was 22 years of age and thought I had it all worked out.


In just a few couple of months, the business flourished and we got big projects, bringing us millions of money in our profit. We got BIG time.

What happened the next was something I could not have imagined.

I got comfortable and complacent again. A bit too comfortable, I’d say. Comfortable in ways where I was doing just okay and didn’t take any steps to grow it any further. I spend money everywhere I want to, as if there was no end on the supplies of money. I don’t know how to handle the fast flow of money coming in and I easily flushed it out.

My business suffered as a consequence because it was stagnate and, inevitably, sales and projects started going down.

I thought I knew everything that I had to know as a business owner, but I was wrong.

In a pretty desperate state I was, I started turning to offers that sounded too good to be true. You know, those shiny objects that promise and make ridiculous claims?

I even went on to buy a website from someone who was selling it for $18,000. It was short-lived in just two months after acquiring it. Google decided to penalise it due to methods that didn’t follow its guidelines.

You can say I got burned and ripped off, but it was a lesson in disguise…or, perhaps, I was just too naive to see it.

I’m sharing my story in hopes that my failures and mistakes will help you along your journey because I know how it is going through rough times, wishing that there’s a light at the end of the tunnel.

I know you don’t want to give up and ever settle for mediocre. You are pursuing your dreams for a reason—for a deeper meaning or cause.

I have recovered and learned a lot from the roller coaster ride and have developed more wisdom as a result.

During the process, I did learn a lot and it’s those failures that taught me.


Here are 7 important lessons I learned along the way:



I was naive to think that everything will be fine and problems will just go away if you leave it long enough. Not surprisingly, things don’t work that way.

I lacked an understanding of things like where sales were coming from, which social platforms was driving the most traffic, who my top customers were and the business’ sales and expenses.

It may sound obvious to do all that in a perfect world but these are things that no one teaches you in school.

At the end of the day, you are responsible for your actions. No pointing fingers, no excuses.


Yeah, you’ve probably heard a thousand times that goal setting is important to ones success, and so it is.

During my plateau, I didn’t have any concrete goals. I was just happy to make money and make sure all my bills are paid.

When you set goals, you need to set it really clear:

How much do you want to make? When do you want to make it by? What will you do to get to there?

Those are the three important questions you need to ask yourself.

One of my goals was to make $10,000 profit per month within 6 months. I set that goal and had it firm in my mind. I achieved it within 2 months after setting that goal.


As a business owner, your ego can get in the way of your success.

You believe in your idea so much that if someone were to say something negative or give their honest opinion about it, you would defend it in a blink of an eye.

Sometimes we need to just let that ego down a notch and just be open and take in people’s criticism.

One of the most powerful things you can do for yourself and your business is to have a support system.

What I mean is that you should either form or join some sort of mastermind group—all whom are like-minded and have similar visions and goals as you.

Your mastermind group is there to keep you accountable, share their feedback, stimulate your creativity and, overall, support you all the way.

I read and re-read the chapter about The Power of a Mastermind from the book Think And Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill, but I never quite took action on it.

I thought I could do it all on my own and didn’t need anyone’s support. I didn’t want to trade ideas in case they stole it.

So I left off the idea of a mastermind group for years.

It was only the past year that I got to experience the true power of a mastermind group…and believe it, my business has grown ten fold ever since.


It came along with some lessons in scheduling, for building a business on the side around all your other obligations.

Start with a weekly calendar, one that includes hourly markings. Block off your set time commitments, whether work, family, or community. Circle the times you have available for this project, even one hour at a time. Assign work to the circled time blocks, starting with your income producing activities.

The opposite is to treat it like a hobby: to work on it when you feel like, or whenever you find time. It’s up to you. Do you want a new business, or do you want a hobby?

The internet can make a business seem less tangible as everything’s digital, but don’t let that deter you away from thinking that it shouldn’t be treated the same way as a brick and mortar business.

Every business has processes, systems, people, taxes to pay, etc.

I thought too small and did everything myself: designing, writing, setting up my websites, writing copy, answering emails, support and so much more.

One of the best decisions I’ve made to date is putting trust in others to help me in my business. I now proudly have 8 people in my team who all live around the world, and it’s given me a lot more time to grow the business.

I trained each and every person in my team to basically replace a lot of the tasks I was doing myself. It takes patience, indeed, but once they get the hang of it, you’ll feel a ton of weight off your shoulders.


The law of reciprocity works wonders. Whatever you put out, you will get back many times more.

Whenever I help my subscribers, I am always rewarded in some way or form.

If I give, I end up with more. In the end, it’s all about giving value, so think of how you can be of value to others. It can be in any form – a product, an email, advice, or whatever it may be.


This is the I advice I always give to my students.

That is, focus on one thing at a time. Focus on one system or model at a time.

You’d rather focus all your effort to one thing than spreading yourself short.

If you’re going to focus on learning how to use Facebook Ads, as an example, focus on just that. You’d be surprised just how much further you’ll be.

It’s more important to get started than knowing how to do everything.

If your goal is to become a top blogger, then learn the steps to blog. Don’t worry about how to implement Facebook Ads and other such methods just yet. You will naturally progress, get better and eventually learn more things.


Trying different things only to watch yourself fail can be depressing.

Persistence is a strong trait to have as an entrepreneur. The more you persist, the better you will get and the more closer you will get to your ultimate goal. That is the bottom line.

Procrastinating is okay. It’s natural. Some people work better ahead of time and some (like me) work better closer to deadlines.

The point is to never give up because it’s those who keep going who get results.


My intention for this post was not to serve as a quick burst of motivation for you, but to enlighten and help you carefully think about your direction, and to make conscious decisions.

I also hope it’s brought back those reasons why you’re starting or continuing your venture in the first place.

I want to pass on this knowledge as if it were a message I would tell myself when I was going through my journey (and it’s a journey I will always continue).

I know there’s a lot more I need to learn and I’m truly excited about what the next year, two years, five years even 10 years has in store.

What hurdles have you faced? Share your experiences below.

With your persistence in our today’s training I would like to give to you as a Bonus the copy of e-book “Never Give Up” For Free. 

But you must ASK for it first so that when you got it you will love to read it. If you want a copy.

Never Give Up 

Discover 70 Ways To Stay Persistent And To Never Give Up On Your Dreams!

We all have dreams and for that dream, we do everything we could. But sometimes, as we experienced some fall backs, we doubt ourself if we have the cabality to achieve those dreams.

Inside this ebook, you’ll Be Able To Accomplish Anything In Life as you will discover:

70 tips to help you be persistent with your goals and dreams.
Aiming for smaller victories to build momentum.
How to use visualization to your advantage.
How to filter out negativity so you can stay positive.
And much more!

Please send me an email at


To Your Success and Abundance,


Originator/ Co- Founder of i.GIG Rapid Sponsoring System
